
Keeping Your Honda Safe and Secure For The Winter

winter vehicle maintenance
Being proactive about your Honda’s vehicle maintenance is the key to having a safe and successfully travelled winter. Always ensuring that you are up to date with your maintenance checks, keeping an emergency kit and warmth kit in the car, and being keen on checking your battery life and fluids are all crucial steps to keeping your vehicle winter ready.

Be Proactive On Maintenance

Keeping a proactive stance on your Honda when it comes to maintenance will have you one step ahead of keeping your safety measures in check. By scheduling your maintenance checks ahead of time to ensure they are occurring often, it will keep your mind worry-free for the blizzarding winter months ahead. Don’t forget, you can always book your service online anytime.

Have Emergency/Warmth Kit Packed

Having an emergency kit handy in your Honda is key to being able to conquer the winter, no matter what the roads throw your way. But, what do you keep in an emergency warmth kit? Keeping a few extra pairs of hats and gloves will ensure all passengers can be kept warm while waiting for help if you ever find yourself in that situation. Also, be sure to keep warm, be sure to throw in some hand and foot warmers!
Along with keeping the winter-warmth items in your emergency kit, keep in mind that some maintenance might need to be done on your end if you are ever stuck or needing to fix something quick. Keeping a tire pressure gage, flashlight, sand or kitty litter for extra traction, and even a first-aid kit will ensure you are ready for whatever the winter brings your way.

Check Fluids and Battery

Always keeping an eye on your fluids and battery life is a key factor to the health of your Honda during these tough months. No matter the length of the trip your taking or the weather conditions at the time of departure, always be sure to keep a jug of your wiper fluid. Worst case scenario will have you on the side of the highway unable to see beyond snow blocking your view out the windshield. With extra fluid on hand and a battery that has been checked, tried and true, you will hopefully never have to run into any unexpected blips on the side of a busy road in this weather.
Overall, making sure these routine vehicle maintenance tasks are kept up to date with will ensure that you have a safe and happy winter driving season! With many more ways to be safe and secure in the winter conditions this season, be sure to call or visit your trusted Henley Honda representatives for even more tips and tricks on how to glide through the season.